The greatest danger of electrical energy, whether in dwellings or at workplaces, is that people threaten the safety of life and property in case of any danger. Electricity maybe makes life easier, but it can be dangerous if the necessary precautions are not taken. Especially the machines and equipment used by enterprises need electrical energy. Electrical energy is produced in power plants and it is delivered to houses and workplaces

by using some conductors. Electrical energy is the easiest to transmit and is an energy source that does not leave any residual material and therefore does not cause environmental pollution while it is consumed. Therefore, electricity energy is the most widely used type of energy in the world. Electrical energy is derived from natural sources, but we should not forget that natural resources are not unlimited. For this reason, everyone should be aware of the efficient use of electricity. The European Union has issued the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95 / EC with regard to the safety of electrical appliances. In Turkey, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued the Low Voltage Directive (2006/95 / EC) based on this directive.

The main electric vehicles covered by this regulation are: electric vehicles designed for use in explosive atmospheres, electric parts of all kinds of elevators, electric vehicles used in radiology and medicine, all plugs and sockets, electric measuring devices, electric control vehicles, ship according to the safety principles determined by international organizations. Special electrical equipment used in aircraft, aircrafts or railways. The regulation is applicable to all electric vehicles and equipment that use or produce direct current from 50 volts to 1000 volts or from 75 volts to 1500 volts. Electrical tests are performed to determine the reliability of the device.

These organizations, in short, accredit these services on the basis of the authorization received from domestic and foreign accreditation bodies. In this framework, basic tests such as LVD test, EMC test, grounding tests, voltage test, insulation test as well as insulation resistance at ambient temperature, surface tension, high voltage, conductive resistance, heating, leakage current, electrical resistance, input power and current and voltage very specific tests such as access protection test are also carried out. Our organization mainly provides the following services within the scope of electrical tests: RoHS testsFireproofing and response testsIP protection testSight testing and noise testing and acoustic measurementsMechanical and physical testsLightness measurement measurementsRadioactive exposure measurementsMiddle radiation testsElectronic environment measurementsOur organization is in compliance with the standards and test methods published by the domestic and foreign institutions. In the meantime, our organization has been accredited by NAC Accreditation Agency in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard and the tests, measurement, analysis, inspection and inspection procedures and reports are accepted as valid in private and official audits.

LVD stands for Low Voltage Directive and stands for Low Voltage Directive. This directive was published in 1973 by the European Union. In 1990, the CE mark was placed on these devices so that low voltage devices could enter the European Union freely. Producer companies must apply to the test and inspection bodies to determine the conformity of their products in order to be able to put CE label on their products.

According to the principles of the Low Voltage Directive, the electrical devices which are required to perform electrical safety tests shall be carried out between 50 volts and 1000 volts alternating current. or between 75 volts and 1500 volts. The CE marking on products covered by the New Approach Directives is a proof that these products are suitable for European Union countries. The CE marking of the products is supported by the relevant standards. These standards determine the minimum conditions for ensuring the life safety of the products.

Within the scope of the harmonization studies with the European Union, the necessary changes are made in the current legal regulations in Turkey, new legal regulations are issued and the relevant international standards are harmonized with the legal regulations. manufacturing companies, LVD tests are very important. Without proper compliance and safety testing for these products, products are not offered for sale both inside and outside the country. Within this framework, 60304-1 standard is important for makkina producing companies and 60335-1 standard is important for white goods producing companies.

The exact names of these standards are: TS EN 60204-1 Safety in machines – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General rules TS EN 60335-1 Safety rules – For electrical appliances used in household and similar areas – Part 1: General rules All electrical equipment, including machine and white goods Tests such as leakage current, earth continuity, insulation resistance or high voltage are of great importance. In general, LVD tests are carried out for the following electrical devices: electrical appliances used in households, information technology devices, industrial devices using radio frequencies, science and medical equipment, electrical medical devices and electrical devices used in laboratories for measurement and control purposes.

Our organization mainly provides the following services within the scope of LVD tests:

  • LVD leakage current test
  • LVD soil continuity test
  • LVD insulation resistance test
  • LVD high voltage test
  • LVD glowing wire test
  • LVD enclosure strength test

Our organization carries out these LVD test studies in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, standards and test methods published by local and foreign organizations. In the meantime, our organization has been accredited by NAC Accreditation Agency in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard and the tests, measurement, analysis, inspection and inspection procedures and reports are accepted as valid in private and official audits.

TS 2127 EN 60065 : Safety rules – Audio, video and similar electronic devices

TS EN 61010-1 : Safety Features for Electrical Devices Used in Measurement, Control and Laboratory Section 1 – General Features

TS EN 62031 : LED modules – For general lighting – Safety features

TS IEC 62560 : Lamps – LED ball lamps with ballast – For general lighting with a voltage greater than 50 V – Safety features

TS EN 62040-1 : Uninterruptible Power Systems – Part 1: General rules and safety rules for KGS

TS EN 60335-1 :Safety rules – For household and similar electrical appliances – Part 1: General rules

TS EN 60950-1 : Information technology devices – Safety – Part 1: General guidelines

TS EN 60204-1 : Makinalarda güvenlik – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General rules

TS EN 60601-1 : Electrical medical equipment – Part 1: General guidelines for basic safety and performance:

TEST Classes and Standards:

Test Class


Equipment of telecommunication networks EN 41003: 200
Audio – Video and Similar Electronic Devices IEC / EN 60065
Cable duct systems for electrical installations EN 50085-1: 2005
Electrical Equipment of Machines (Excluding EMC) 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive (IEC / EN 60204-1)
Electrical Equipment of Machines (Excluding EMC)… IEC / EN 60204-1
LED modules and safety features for general lighting IEC / EN 62031, IEC 62560
Electric Medical Equipment IEC / EN 60601-1
Uninterruptible Power Systems IEC / EN 62040-1
Information Technology Devices IEC / EN 60950-1 ve EN 60950-1/A1:2010

Electrical Devices Used in Home and Similar Places IEC / EN 60335-1
Measurement, Control and Electrical Devices Used in Laboratory IEC / EN 61010-1

Some of the Experiments and Examinations:

– Power measurement – Label inspection
– Temperature test – Leakage current test
– Electrical resistance – Soil continuity
– Insulation resistance – Humidification
– Error conditions – Thermal resistance
– Electrical resistance for internal conductors – Measurement of insulation intervals
– Ball pressure test – Capacity discharge test
– In-rushcurrent deneyi – Mekanik deneyler
– Component evaluation (transformer, etc.) – Electric field measurement / EN 50366 test
– Balance test – GlowWire experiment
– Flammability test

With the New Approach Directives introduced by the European Union countries, various product groups have been identified and the scope of the conformity and safety studies required for these products have been determined. In addition, the application for the CE marking of these products has been initiated.

Within the scope of the New Approach Directives, the following three basic directives are considered:

• Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42 / EC

• Low Voltage Directive 2006/95 / EC (LVD)

• Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108 / EC (EMC)

• Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30 / EU (EMC)

In our country, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulation (2004/108 / EC) was issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade based on the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) mentioned above.

The purpose of this regulation is to:

  • To regulate the electromagnetic compatibility of electrical devices
  • Ensure that consumers are provided with electrical or electronic devices at a specified level of electromagnetic compatibility

In this context, electromagnetic compatibility tests are required devices:

• Devices that emit electrical or electromagnetic waves around the workplace

• Devices affected by a device that emits electrical or electromagnetic waves around the system

• Devices that are mobile or installed in a specific location according to the operating mode and are to be used continuously

As computer and communication technologies develop, many electrical or electronic devices have to work together today. Naturally, it is inevitable that these tools work close to each other and affect each other or be influenced by each other. It has now been revealed that the electromagnetic fields emitted by these devices affect many organs from DNA to human structure and damage the immune system.

It is attempted by authorized testing and inspection bodies to identify the effects and the effects of electromagnetic waves emitted by electrical and electronic devices as described above. The main purpose of the tests is to determine the electromagnetic disturbance effect of these devices.

Within this framework, our organization also conducts numerous EMC tests, measurements and controls within the scope of electromagnetic compatibility. Services provided for this purpose are listed in the following table:

EMC Tests

EMI tests

Electrostatic discharge tests

EMF tests

Non-reflective room tests

RF tests

Immune tests by conduction

Radiated emission tests

Immune cage tests

Conducted emission tests

Transmitted emission tests

Emission tests

Click tests

Immunity tests

Harmonic flick tests

Conducted immunity tests

Open field tests

Radiated immunity tests

Immunity tests

Radiated magnetic field tests

Broadcast tests

Radiated RF field immunity testleri

Radiation emission tests

CISPR tests

Emission tests with conductivity

Power frequency magnetic field ımmunity testleri

Immunity tests

Electrostatic discharging ESD tests

Immunity conductivity tests

Our organization carries out these EMC test studies in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, standards and test methods published by domestic and foreign organizations. In the meantime, our organization has been accredited by NAC Accreditation Agency in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard and the tests, measurement, analysis, inspection and inspection procedures and reports are accepted as valid in private and official audits.

What is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)?

Electromagnetic compatibility can be defined as any kind of effect which will not create an electromagnetic interference in the case of the creation, transmission and reception of electromagnetic energy.

Electromagnetic compatibility has become a very important criterion for the marketing of an electronic product as a result of the resulting standards. If a product does not meet the electromagnetic compatibility requirements of any country, the product cannot be sold in the European Union countries. Although the European Union CENELEC and the European Union have adopted the European Union, it is known that EMC testing is accepted in other continents.

What is Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)?

Electromagnetic interference EMI can be defined as any natural or man-made disturbance or signal on radio frequencies that lead to reductions, disturbances, or malfunctions in the performance of electrical and electronic equipment.

To give examples of electromagnetic interference from daily life; When listening to the radio, the radio radios can intervene, mobile phones affect the ABS systems, leakage in the print circuits, noise in the computer while talking to the mobile phone can be listed.

There are three requirements for a device to be considered electromagnetic compliant:

> Not to cause interference in itself (self-compliance).

> Do not attempt to interfere with other devices.

> be immune to interference from other devices.

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) means that a device or system continues to operate in an electromagnetic environment without causing interference or interference. In other words, the device or system does not affect other devices or systems while they are running and cannot be affected by their operation.

Electromagnetic interference is observed as a result of the electromagnetic environment in which the device is affected. All electromagnetic events occurring in a certain region form the electromagnetic environment of that region. The main effects of this electromagnetic environment can be said as EMI and EMC. If we want to characterize the electromagnetic environment, we see two elements:> Frequency / Time

> Amplitude (intensity of electromagnetic energy or voltage-current value, etc.)

EMI and EMC Verification Tests

There are various tests on electromagnetic compatibility and interference, both at the device level and at the platform and system level. The criteria used in these tests are EMI – EMC Standards. These standards are the main determinants of the electromagnetic quality of the product. The standards include two important elements:

> Test limit values.

> Test methods.

Separate standards are available for military devices, while commercial standards are available. EMI – EMC testing has two aspects:

> Emission

> Insensitivity (Immunity)

In 2009, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization issued Regulation on Control of Industrial Air Pollution. The purposes of preparing this regulation are:

  • Control the emissions of air, smoke, gas, steam, dust and aerosol as a result of the activities carried out in various industrial and energy production facilities
  • Preventing contamination in the air that allows people and nature to breathe
  • Protecting human health and nature from hazards due to airborne contamination
  • Eliminate or at least minimize the negative effects of these hazards

The scope of the said regulation is as follows:

  • Principles for the establishment and operation of enterprises
  • Air emissions from enterprises
  • Determination of the level of air pollution in the area of business
  • Principles for the production, use, storage and transportation of fuels, raw materials and products

Briefly, the regulation aims to control the emissions to air during the activities of various industrial and power generation facilities.

The density of gases is very low and the viscosity is extremely high. The gas-forming molecules are randomly and chaotically perpetually hit on each other and on the surfaces of their location. Therefore, the word gas is derived from the word chaos. The mixing of gases is very fast.

A released gas completely encloses the environment in which it is located within a few seconds. The same number of molecules of any gas under the same temperature and the same pressure is the same. For this reason, gas quantities are generally measured in volume. Measurements are made at high densities in percentages, and in low densities, in parts per million. Gases are classified as follows according to their risk-generating situation: flammable gases, toxic gases, and neutral gases. Gas sensors with different operating principles have been produced to detect hazardous gases.

However, in the authorized laboratories, sensitive gas measurements are made by taking into account different characteristics in all kinds of environments. Within this framework, our organization also carries out many tests and measurements on gas measurements. Services provided for this purpose are listed in the following table:

Gas Measurements

Emission gas measurements

PH3 (fosfin) measurements

Measurement gas measurements

Dual Tox CO/H2S measurements

Flue gas measurements

LEL 0-100% LEL measurements

Ambient gas measurements

CL2 (chlorine) measurements

Tunnel gas measurements

NH3 (ammonia) measurements

CO (carbon monoxide) measurements

C6H6 (benzene) measurements

CO2 (carbon dioxide) measurements

NOx measurements

O (oxygen) measurements

VOC measurements

NO (nitrogen oxide) measurements


NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) measurements

Ambient humidity measurements

CH4 (methane) measurements

Ambient temperature measurements

H2S (hydrogen sulfide) measurements

Ambient dust measurements

O2 (oxygen) measurements

Air pollution measurements

SO2 (sulfur dioxide) measurements

Our company carries out these gas measurements in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, standards and test methods published by local and foreign organizations.

In the meantime, our organization has been accredited by NAC Accreditation Agency in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard and the tests, measurement, analysis, inspection and inspection procedures and reports are accepted as valid in private and official audits.